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structured course

Master the most essential of all mediums and hone your observational skills and techniques in this enriching course.

We offer three progressive levels for this course:



Drawing Beginner

In our beginner drawing course, students will learn the building blocks of art making by training observational skills and drawing techniques as they learn to break down shapes, apply lines and tones to achieve likeness in still life, and city scenes with good 3d rendering and depth.  





Hand-Eye Coordination

Learn good drawing habits and mindsets with drawing exercises to train hand-eye coordination.



(single object)

Introduction to different sighting techniques and how to apply them to achieve good proportion within various objects.



(multiple objects)

Introduction to different sighting techniques and how to apply them to achieve good proportion within a still life reference.




Understanding visual distortions and techniques to achieve accurate proportions.


Line quality

Learn how lines can alter the visual information of tones and forms and how it affects the perception of an artwork.


Tones & Shading

Develop sensitivities to match tones, transitions and shapes between shadows and highlights.


depth & Perspective

1 point

Understanding of depth and perspective in artworks in one point perspective drawing. 


depth & perspective

2 & 3 point

Understanding of depth and perspective in artworks in two and three point perspective drawing. 


Upon completion of all lessons in this course, students will be presented with a certificate of participation for this particular course.

No certification will be provided if the 8 lessons are not completed.

Drawing Intermediate


In our intermediate drawing course, students will learn to enhance their observational sensitivities as they are introduced to more challenging considerations such as a variety of different textures in artworks, figure drawing and stylistic drawing.





Textures & Surfaces

(Smooth and shiny)

Learn how to achieve smooth and shiny surfaces in drawings by focusing on smooth and sudden transitions in gradients.


Textures & surfaces

(Animals & Foliage)

Understand how textures are created in animal fur and foliage and the techniques to achieve it.


Textures & Surfaces

(Transparent objects)

Learn the different considerations when drawing transparent or translucent objects and the visual distortions they create.


Figure drawing

(hands & feet)

Introduction to anatomical drawing and how to break down shapes in hands and feet in various angles.


figure drawing

(body proportions)

Understanding shapes and forms in human anatomy while achieving accurate proportion. 


figure drawing

(body angles)

Learn how to draw figures and complex positions and in various angles.


Stylistic drawing

Discover how to interpret images into stylistic renderings focusing on line quality and hatching techniques.


Exam (3 hours)

Students will take part in a simple examination to test the application of their skills learnt. The type of certificate presented after the finished course is dependent on the results of this exam. 

certification & Examination

  • All 7 lessons have to be completed before you take the examination.

  • The examination is optional and cannot be replaced with another lesson or refunded if you opt not to take it. 

  • Students with a passing grade for the examination will receive a Certificate of Achievement for this particular course.

  • Students who do not pass the examination or choose not to take the examination after completing the 7 lessons will received a Certificate of Participation for this particular course.

  • No certification will be provided if the 7 lessons are not completed. 

Drawing Advanced


In our advanced drawing course, we will focus on portraiture, one of the hardest yet most sought after forms of art. Good observational skills is required for this course as we teach you all the techniques and tricks when drawing portraiture in various angles as well as how to interpret and draw stylised portraits in your preferred genre.





Portrait proportion


Learn how to break down facial features into simple shapes to achieve likeness in portraiture with accurate proportions. 


portrait Proportion

(side view)

Understand what to look out for when using sighting methods when achieving accurate proportions in portrait profiles.



(uncommon angles)

Identify and understand how foreshortening distorts shapes in the human face when viewed from different angles.


Portrait shading

(Black and white)

Develop sensitivities to slight tonal shifts as light maps the surface of portraits and understand how it builds forms within the face.


Portrait colouring

(Natural skin tones)

Learn how to build natural skin tone colours by layering colour pencils to enhance your portraiture artworks.


Stylistic portraits

(Black and white)

Understand how to modify portraits into stylistic renderings of your preferred illustration genre focusing on line quality.


Stylistic portraits


Learn how to use colour and lines to enhance your stylistic portraits.


exam (3 Hours)

Students will take part in a simple examination to test the application of their skills learnt. The type of certificate presented after the finished course is dependent on the results of this exam. 

certification & Examination

  • All 7 lessons have to be completed before you take the examination.

  • The examination is optional and cannot be replaced with another lesson or refunded if you opt not to take it. 

  • Students with a passing grade for the examination will receive a Certificate of Achievement for this particular course.

  • Students who do not pass the examination or choose not to take the examination after completing the 7 lessons will received a Certificate of Participation for this particular course.

  • No certification will be provided if the 7 lessons are not completed. 

Current promotions

Follow our Instagram @TheFortStudios to be qualified to receive these promos!

steady learner Promotion
Complete all your lessons within your validity period (4 lesson set in 6 consecutive weeks or 8 lesson set in 10 consecutive weeks) and receive 5% off your next Steady Learner Set when you start your new set in the week after your set expires are earlier. You may choose to attend more than 1 lesson per week as long as there are available seats

Good Attendance Award

Complete all your lessons without missing a week (4 lesson set in 4 consecutive weeks or 8 lesson set in 8 consecutive weeks) and receive 10% off your next Steady Learner Set when you start your new set in the immediate following week. You may choose to attend more than 1 lesson per week as long as there are available seats.

for all students

56 Kallang Pudding Road,



Singapore 349328

+65 9169 5351

OPENing hours

Tuesdays - Fridays, 10AM - 10PM
Saturdays - Sundays, 10AM to 7PM

(Visits via Appointment only.)

** Closed on Mondays

and Public Holidays

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